Once proving to be the staple of American film, Harvey Weinstein was at the top of Hollywood until his shady ways pulled the rug from underneath him. In 2019 it was reported that the producer reached a multi-million-dollar deal with victims over sexual abuse and rape accusations.

He was then convicted of sexual assault and was sentenced to 23 years in prison. Over 30 women suffered under the hands of this man, and it was their courage that brought justice. It is important to note that if you have gone or are going through something similar you are not alone.

Sexual harassment in California and in many other states is known as unwanted sexual advances such as comments/statements, acts of verbal or physical nature that are directed to someone or can also be a derogatory remark regarding someone’s sex. According to the state of California Department of Justice, “sexual harassment in the workplace[…] violates title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964” Most people do not understand what is considered sexual harassment and what is not. Something as small as someone preventing you from exiting a room can be considered sexual harassment.

The best way to find out if you have a sexual harassment case on your hands, is by talking to a lawyer. In the case that you do have a case, the best way to obtain successful results is to be armed with evidence.

Taking advice from Rob Bonta, Attorney General you must:

  • Read your company’s sexual harassment policy.
  • Complaints to the employer need to be in writing or where you can keep a record of them. *Note, date, personnel involved.
  • You can file complaints with the following agencies:
    • California Civil Rights Department (CRD)
    • Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

You do not need to file both as both departments work together.

If you are a victim of sexual assault, getting the authorities involved is the best solution.

  • Calling 9-1-1 and reporting the incident is important.
  • See a healthcare provider.

If you need to speak to someone you can call the crisis hotline (800) 656- HOPE

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